Risk Assessment and Firearm Access: Firearm Injury Prevention Initiative Webinar Series

Even skilled firearm handlers may not be safe around firearms if their thinking, judgment, or emotions are impaired. These impairments may be temporary (such as from alcohol or suicidal thoughts) or progressive (such as from dementia). Professionals in the firearms and medical communities are often faced with deciding whether an individual is safe to have firearm access – that is, by estimating whether the individual poses a significant or imminent threat to themselves or others. This webinar will explore experiences across four domains. How does a gun store employee decide to allow a sale, or a firearm instructor to sign off on a student? How do emergency department providers assess risk in patients with acute mental health crises? How does a forensic psychiatrist determine medical or legal competency? The panelists will present the basic approach within their domain and then, through dialogue, explore shared or unique opportunities and challenges.
