Jazz Cabbage Cafe' October 5 2021 featuring HB5301 testimony recap, Tiffany Coleman and Brandy Zink

Season 5 Episode 40
Joining us today-
Special guests- Tiffany Coleman, Brandy Zink
Re-cap Regulatory Reform Committee Hearing
John Sinclair Birthday Party

Join Jazz Cabbage hosts Jamie Lowell and Rick Thompson as they talk about all things cannabis in Michigan. Today the team starts out with a discussion of the John Sinclair birthday party. Held in Flint at the Genesee County Compassion Club, Mr Sinclair was treated to accolades and visits from a Senator, ‘Boogie Bob’ Baldori, several Council members from Michigan municipalities, out-of-state special guests and lots of love from his Michigan cannabis family.

The team gets raw and real about the proceedings of the Regulatory Reform Committee as they ‘debated’ the merits and failures of HBs 5300-5302. The hearing featured a series of testimony segments from bill supporters and then a few moments were given to sick patients and advocates. Thompson testified and was gaveled down by Chair Rep. Roger Hauck for disputing previous testimony. The team fields many comments from viewers who were outraged at the Rep’s horrible treatment of cannabis patients in the meeting.

The Jazz Cabbage cast of regulars include Jim Salame (The Entheo Show, Decriminalize MI) Debra Young (MiLegalize) Adam L Brook (Medical Mondays, ‘Mr. Hash Bash’) Rick Thompson (MiNORML, Four20Post, Weed Talk News) and Jamie Lowell (Michigan ASA, The Botanical Company, Medical Mondays) and Shelly Smith (Reads and Weeds).

Jazz Cabbage received an Award of Distinction from the Communicator Awards in April of 2021, and was named One of America’s Best Cannabis Podcasts by Celeb Stoner Magazine. The broadcast takes place live every Tuesday at 4pm EST on YouTube and Facebook; podcast is available for listening shortly thereafter on Alexa, Spotify and all major platforms.
