Cannabis News: CBD-Rich Hemp Oil Could Have Beneficial Effects Related To Lowering Cholesterol

New research reports that hemp oil, specifically CBD-rich hemp oil, has beneficial effects related to lowering cholesterol without any common side-effects associated with statins (stat-ins), the typical first line of defense pharmaceutical used in combating high cholesterol.

According to the Center for Disease Control, more than half of United States adults are medicating with cholesterol-lowering drugs.

Like numerous other pharmaceutical drugs, statins have side effects such as muscle damage and pain, liver damage, neurological effects, and an increased risk for diabetes.

Researchers at the Lindenwood University in Missouri conducted a double-blind study with 65 overweight but otherwise generally healthy males and females. They were all given either hemp oil extracts or a placebo each day for six weeks while they continued their regular diet and physical activity.

“Hemp supplementation improved HDL cholesterol, tended to support psychometric measures of perceived sleep, stress response, and perceived life pleasure and was well tolerated with no clinically relevant safety concerns,” the researchers concluded.

Would you consider incorporating CBD-rich hemp oil into your diet instead of prescription pharmaceuticals to help lower your cholesterol?
